“A CLEAN SLATE” SELECTED SCRIPTURES I. Introduction It’s almost 2012. In just a few hours you will have a clean slate, and opportunity to start fresh. 2011 will be gone. Many of the events and most of the minor details will eventu-ally fade from memory. Some of the good things, most of the bad things, […]

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“CRADLE, CROSS, AND CROWN” PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11 I. Introduction It’s Christmas! And on Christmas we just naturally think of Jesus, don’t we? We also think of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men, the Star of Bethlehem and angels praising God. But the fact is that Christmas is about Christ. Everything else is secondary, […]

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“RELIGIOUS SPOILED BRATS” LUKE 7:31-35 I. Introduction The sermon title in your bulletin may need some clarification. “Religious spoiled brats!” That’s “brăt,” not “brät.” This morning’s sermon will not be about a church picnic where some of Wisconsin’s favorite sausages have gone bad. The dictionary defines “bräts” as, “…highly seasoned, fresh sausage of veal and […]

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