“THE ‘UNTRIUMPHAL’ ENTRY (PART 1)” LUKE 19:28-40 I. Introduction Have you ever heard someone say, “You know, I tried Christianity once, but it didn’t work out for me,” or, “I was a believer for a while, but not anymore,” or words to that affect? Tragically, comments like that are not uncommon in today’s world. But […]

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“THE WORKS OF FAITH” JAMES 2:14-26 I. Introduction Christianity – biblical Christianity – is different from any other religion that exists (or has ever existed) on this earth. All true Christians believe that. But what makes it different? Is it that the founder of Christianity is alive, while Moses, Mohammed, Buddha, and every other person […]

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“SALVATION AND THE SEEKER” LUKE 19:1-10 I. Introduction Every passage of Scripture has a key verse, the most important verse, the one upon which the passage, or the whole chapter, or maybe even the entire book itself depends. The initial challenge for a student of the Bible is to find it. And it can be […]

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“WORSHIP, PROPHECY, TRUTH, RESURRECTION” SELECTED SCRIPTURES I. Introduction “Worship, Prophecy, Truth, Resurrection” – each of the four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, spoke of all these things. Today we will touch on them all, but our focus will be on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that wondrous event we celebrate this morning. All […]

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“FULFILLING PROPHECY” LUKE 18:31-34 I. Introduction “God’s ways are not our ways!” That’s hardly earth-shaking news to a Bible-believing Christian, is it? We know that. But even though we know it to be true, how often do we need to be reminded of it? “God’s ways are not our ways!” So when God speaks, or […]

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“CHILDLIKE FAITH” LUKE 18:15-17 I. Introduction I have three questions for every Christian parent here this morning. Is there anything of greater importance to you, as a Christian parent, than the salvation of your children? Is there anything for which you, as a Christian parent, pray more fervently than your children coming to saving faith? […]

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