“MY GOD – MY PROVIDER” LUKE 9:10-17 I. Introduction We often speak about the difference between one who believes in God and one who has saving faith in God. We do not do that for the purpose of splitting theological hairs. We do it because the difference between the two – believing in the historical […]

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“A MISSION AND A MESSAGE” LUKE 9:1-9 I. Introduction How long will the Church of Jesus Christ remain on this earth? It will remain until the last person whom God, in His sovereign will, has chosen to receive Christ, does so. At that point the Church of Jesus Christ will be complete. Jesus’ bride, the […]

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“THE FIRST DAY” SELECTED SCRIPTURES I. Introduction Christ the Lord is risen today! Our salvation is assured and Satan is defeated. In judicial terms, the devil has been tried, convicted, and sentenced. There is no appeal to a higher court because there is no higher court. All that’s left now is carrying out the sentence. […]

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“THE LAST WEEK” SELECTED SCRIPTURES I. Introduction The last week of Jesus’ life on earth began with His being praised by the people of Jeru-salem. It ended with many of the same people screaming for His execution and mocking Him as He died. If you have ever wondered how it can be that cheering crowds […]

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“THE POWER OF FAITH” LUKE 8:40-56 I. Introduction How often have you asked God to do something really important for you? How often has He done it? Have there been occasions when He has done what you wanted, but not in the manner you envisioned it, or within the timeframe you had hoped? Do you […]

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“LISTENING TO GOD” LUKE 8:16-21 I. Introduction “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Jesus said that! Not only that, in the Book of Revelation, He said it seven times. Seven is a significant number in Scripture. In Revelation alone it is used no less than fifty-five […]

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